Alexandre Kabbach. Language against Communication: a matter of subjectivity. Doctoral dissertation, University of Geneva. Link Manuscript BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach. From human intelligence to artificial smartness: the undone science of artificial intelligence. Undone Computer Science Conference. Nantes, France. Link Abstract Slides Video
Alexandre Kabbach and Aurélie Herbelot. Language Without Shared Meaning: Preliminary Considerations on the Evolutionary Benefits of Subjectivity. Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Language Evolution (JCoLE 2022). Kanazawa, Japan. Paper BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach and Aurélie Herbelot. Avoiding Conflict: When Speaker Coordination Does Not Require Conceptual Agreement. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 3. Link Paper Code BibTex Supplementary Materials
Alexandre Kabbach and Aurélie Herbelot. Modeling lexical semantic shifts during ad-hoc coordination. GeCKo Symposium on Integrating Generic and Contextual Knowledge. Barcelona, Spain (remote presentation). Abstract Slides BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach, Kristina Gulordava and Aurélie Herbelot. Towards incremental learning of word embeddings using context informativeness. Proceedings of the Student Research Workshop at the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL SRW 2019). Florence, Italy. Paper Code BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach. Le langage est-il vraiment un système de communication ambigu ? Nouveaux cahiers de linguistique française, vol. 33, pp.301--318. Paper ArXiv BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach. Debugging Frame Semantic Role Labeling. arXiv:1901.07475 [cs.CL]. Paper ArXiv BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach, Corentin Ribeyre and Aurélie Herbelot. Butterfly Effects in Frame Semantic Parsing: impact of data processing on model ranking. Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2018). Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Paper Code BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach and Corentin Ribeyre. myValencer: a Valence Patterns Search Engine for FrameNet. The fifth biennial conference on electronic lexicography (eLex 2017), Leiden, Netherlands. Link Code BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach and Corentin Ribeyre. Valencer: an API to Query Valence Patterns in FrameNet. Proceedings the 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING 2016): System Demonstrations. Osaka, Japan. Paper Code BibTex
Alexandre Kabbach and Kyoko Hirose Ohara. Japanese FrameNet Data Quality Overview: Toward Full Data Integrity. Multiple Approaches to the Lexicon (MAPLEX 2015). Yamagata, Japan. Paper BibTex